Premium Membership

  • Premium Membership

    Stay ahead of the forecast.

Premium Membership

NEW: 10% off Winter Premium Membership from November – March, a $50.00 value for just $39.99! SIGN UP

Gain access to all of the detailed weather information you could ever need. Technical discussions, Live Blogs, Videos, and Zone forecasts are just the tip of the iceberg. Get started for only $9.99 today, or check out the features below:

  • Members Dashboard

    This is the central hub for all Premium Membership content and information. Here you will find the latest information on Active Alerts and Live Updates. This is also where you’ll be able to view the latest 5 Day Forecast and Forecasters Discussion, which are updated multiple times per day by our Forecasting Team. Links to all Premium Content and Posts are also available here. VIEW DEMO.

  • Zone Forecasts

    New as of August 1st, 2016, Premium Members now receive access to Zone Forecasts. 10 zones separate the geographical regions throughout New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut and provide tremendous detail into the forecast. You’re now just a click away from the most detailed forecast information possible.

  • Premium Posts and Content

    Dive into the meteorology behind each weather event. These premium posts are immediately unlocked upon signing up and will remain unlocked for the time you are a registered member. Throughout each season, our forecasters take the time to analyze incoming weather events and patterns in immense detail. Gain access to them now. View Demo

  • Video Forecasts

    What’s better than watching the forecast on TV? Watching it from a meteorologist of your own, forecasting for this specific area. Our meteorologists record video updates which are available exclusively to Premium Members. These are posted multiple times per week and are available immediately upon registering. Video updates include intensive and often technical breakdowns of upcoming weather events. VIEW DEMO.

  • Live Updates

    Our meteorologists update Live Blog pages, exclusive to Premium Membership holders, during storms or active weather days. These feature images, graphics, videos, and information from within our forecasting office as the weather event is ongoing. Watch these events unfold alongside our team of meteorologists and forecasters, right from your computer or phone. VIEW DEMO. VIEW SCREENSHOT.

Zone Forecasts
