The following information and imagery is provided courtesy of the Storm Prediction Center’s Tornado Environment Browser. We compiled and assembled the imagery from their browser to make it easier for NYC, NJ and CT area residents to access information regarding tornado climatology in our area. The images below display 120km ranges with tornadoes (1962-2011) plotted. In addition, the images show the running average of tornadoes per day and hour in each 120km area.

Tornado Occurrence Maps

[tabs style=”3″]
[tab title=”NYC”]New York City [/tab]
[tab title=”W NJ”]Western NJ[/tab]
[tab title=”Philly”]Philadelphia[/tab]
[tab title=”SE NJ”]Southeast NJ[/tab]
[tab title=”SW NJ”]Southwest NJ[/tab]
[tab title=”LI”]Long Island[/tab]
[tab title=”SE NY”]Southeast NY[/tab]
[tab title=”SW CT”]SW Connecticut[/tab]
[tab title=”C CT”]C Connecticut[/tab]
[tab title=”SE CT/LI”]SE Connecticut[/tab]
[tab title=”E PA”]Eastern PA[/tab]

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