
PM Update: Cloudy, damp behind backdoor front

Ah, that phrase again. Backdoor cold fronts often manifest themselves in New England and the Mid Atlantic during the transition seasons of Autumn and Spring. This year, of course, is no exception. We had plenty of them in the Spring, and this is our first of Autumn. We even wrote a detailed breakdown of how they work, and why they affect our area. Regardless, a backdoor front associated with a mid level disturbance overhead slipped past the region yesterday, and we’re feeling the full effects of it today with cloudy and damp weather.

A weak low pressure system off the coast is bringing enhanced rainfall to parts of Southern New England, Eastern Long Island and Connecticut tonight. The best forcing and lift for rain will remain to the east of the areas, but periods of more steady rain and showers are possible through tonight and into Thursday. Tonight, as a result, will remain quite cool and damp. We suggest bringing a jacket if you’re headed out. You may want to carry an umbrella along, too, just to be safe.

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